Informative Speech   

Prepare an informative speech from four-to-six minutes in length. This informative speech can be about an object, an event, or a concept. 

Visual aids are not permitted for this assignment.

Submit a full-sentence preparation outline to Turnitin on Canvas before your assigned speaking day and bring a physical copy of the outline to class for submission to the instructor before delivery. 

The body of your speech should have two or three main points with an attention getting introduction and a memorable conclusion.

Verbally cite two different sources during your presentation, incorporate those sources in the body of your speech as supporting material, and list those sources in your bibliography section.

Plan to use 4x6 note cards and deliver your remarks extemporaneously (without reading or memorizing).

Personalize your presentation, engage your audience, and speak about an audience-centered topic.

For this speech, concentrate on the following: comply with the time limit; use transitions/connectives for each main point; establish strong eye contact; avoid distracting mannerisms; use appropriate language and examples; and select an appropriate topic.

This assignment is worth fifty-points for the speech and ten-points for the full-preparation outline for a total of sixty-points.

Anticipate questions from the audience at the end of your presentation. 

Informative Speech Self-Critique:

Submit a typed, two-page, self-critique (essay format) of your presentation and upload it to Turnitin on Canvas within seven days following your presentation.

Late informative speech self-critiques will not be accepted. 

This self-critique is worth ten-points. Refer to the instructor website for the informative speech self-critique assignment.

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