Tips for Faculty Members

Encouraging Students To Use Tutoring – Online or In Person

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Often the students who most need help are the ones who need the most encouragement to seek that help. Faculty members make a big difference when they provide incentives and reminders!

Help Students Help Themselves

  • Include information about the Student Success Center and NetTutor on green sheets, websites, and e-mails.
  • When assigning potentially challenging assignments, email students reminding them that help is available.
  • To encourage students to begin earlier and spend more time on their drafts, consider targeted extra credit if students below a certain grade submit their writing to NetTutor (or Student Success Center) and describe the changes they made as a result of the feedback they received. Please don't encourage students who don't need to help to use the services, though...we have limited resources want to prioritize help for those who most need it.
  • Have students submit copies of their live whiteboard tutoring sessions, with comments about what they learned.
  • Poll students in class about what the hardest concept covered in class that day. Offer extra credit to students who discuss this concept with a tutor and provide insights based on the feedback.
  • If your class or level has specific requirements for an assignment, or online reference material, be sure to instruct students to let their tutors know that information.

Do You Have a Fabulous Student

... who could be be a tutor for your on-campus, hybrid, or online class(es)? 

Please refer students who show great enthusiasm, communication skills, empathy and confidence with course content to become SSC tutors. Tutors may be able to help your students in class, in group or invidual sessions in the SSC, and/or ONLINE using NetTutor.

  • Talk to the students to discuss interest, availability, and logistics.
  • Contact the Student Success Center the quarter before you'd like the tutor to begin.
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